A master of uniqueness and self-fulfillment, guides people to find their personal strengths, connect with themselves and act from this state of mind at all relationships and life spaces.
Observing through the lens of uniqueness and personal strength of character, combined with defining self-clarity and tools from the world of training, creates a change in inhibiting habits and enables the adoption of new habits and and more precise actions that build the basis for a sense of happiness and stability over time.
The meetings are held in Be'er Sheva and the surrounding area or in ZOOM
Experiencing blowouts and frustration?
Do you feel that you are not fulfilling yourself?
If only we knew how much our personal uniqueness can lift us up in challenging moments, promote and lead us to the right and exact path for us in all areas of life.
Out of fears and concerns, perhaps out of what we once learned, when we were children, we ignore what our heart tells us and ignore our uniqueness, do not realize ourselves truly, do not give full and accurate expression to our unique color and voice.
As much as we have every reason to ignore our heart's impulses, our passion and inner fire and stay in our comfort zones,
In the end we realize that our lives can look different, we all want to feel wonderful and thrive in parenting, in relationships and in all areas of life, it is possible and it is mostly a matter of choice.
There is a way and all we have to do is agree to go that way, choose and act differently.
hi, my name is Romi Chitrit
Coach and parent instructor, creator and host of innovative workshops for finding individual uniqueness and strengths.
Remarried to Elihu, biological mother of 2 - (amazing and amazing) and in my heart also my husband's lovely two.
Graduated with a bachelor's degree in education, personal trainer and certified parent instructor.
In recent years I have accompanied parents in a group and individual setting.
I believe that we all have a gift - a solid foundation of personal abilities and strengths. When we have clarity about ourselves, about our abilities, skills and personal strengths
And how to realize them in the spaces of our lives, we express ourselves authentically and fully and this has a huge effect on our level of happiness and this necessarily creates a different effect in our relationships and in all spaces-
life and we can enjoy our life.
Parenting is a very challenging relationship, because on the one hand we have endless responsibilities and worries and on the other hand it is important for us, in the whole race of life, to also create a good relationship with our children at its core
Communication and good and benevolent memories.
As part of my work with parents in recent years, I am investigating the connection between the expression of personal uniqueness and enjoyment in parenting and in the various areas of life. I found that people who agreed to dedicate themselves to the journey - to observe inhibiting patterns of thinking, to adopt new habits, to find their power and to realize it in all areas of their lives, are people who experienced everything they encountered in their lives as something that came to teach them and develop them and managed to find creative solutions to the challenges they encountered in parenting in such a way that even surprised them.
After all, what do we all regret the most? Mostly about what we didn't do. For all those times we stopped ourselves and didn't act as we really wanted.
With the help of the right guidance and guidance we can all achieve our goals
and live the life we always wanted.
Realization and self-expression is the way to a life full of passion, power and creativity.
What should we do to enjoy all areas of our lives?
and create a common growth space?
The most important thing to remember is that it is possible. We have the power and abilities to create the life we aspire to and fulfill our dreams.
We have the abilities to enjoy parenthood, relationships and family life to the fullest and to feel more and more feelings of success and contentment.
We all have memories of those moments of failure, shame, rejection, loneliness. Memories that led us to adopt for ourselves patterns of thinking and habits that stick us and leave us locked in a state of mediocrity, lack of realization and lack of full and authentic self-expression.
But the truth is, it's all part of our process until we realize that we have a choice and we can lead to change.
We need to learn how to realize and express ourselves in all areas of our lives and experience life to the fullest. To wake up every morning with a feeling of enthusiasm and to live in our most complete and authentic way. Once we do this, we will be able to better identify and use the opportunities that come our way and feel the impact on our quality of life and level of happiness.
I help people discover their uniqueness and express it in all areas of life
מה אני מציעה?
את סל המוצרים שלי חיברתי מתוך שילוב בין האהבה שלי לאומנות לבין הידיעה ששיפור וחיזוק השת״פ עם המוח שלנו, מתוך הבנת אופן הפעולה שלו, מייצר רעיונות ודרכי פעולה פורצות דרך.
המוצרים מתאימים לפרטיים או לארגונים, ניתן ליהנות מהמוצרים כתהליך אישי-פרטני, כסדנא קבוצתית חד- יומית או כסדנא תהליכית לצוות :
לקראת התפקיד החדש
סדנת ״לקראת התפקיד החדש״, היא רעיון חדש שהגיע אליי פתאום לאחרונה, תוך כדיי שישבתי לי לבד לכמה רגעים של נשימה ושקט, מתוך ניסיוני האישי - לאחר ששילבתי מספר חודשים בין היותי בעלת עסק לבין עבודה כשכירה והבנתי כמה חשוב להגיע נקיה, משוחררת מדיעות קדומות ומחוויות עבר של עבודות קודמות, שאולי לא היו מדויקות לנו.
כדיי לזרוח את עצמך במלוא הצבעוניות והאהבה לתפקיד החדש הזה שרצית כל כך.
אז אחרי שהשקעת זמן והגעת לראיון ולשיחה ופגישה אולי אפילו עברת מבחן קבלה, רגע לפניי הכניסה לתפקיד החדש עלולים לצוץ חששות, פחדים, ספקות וחוסר אמונה עצמית - אלו סימנים שכדאי לשחרר חוויות עבר ולהגיע רעננות ובפתיחות לתפקיד החדש שלנו, כדיי לייצר הצלחה.
היפוך אמונות מגבילות
סדנת היפוך אמונות מגבילות באה במטרה לאפשר לך להסתכל באומץ ובנחישות אל תוך כל האמונות שמגבילות, מנהלות ועוצרות אותך מלהגשים את שאיפותייך. בכנות, חשוב לי לומר לך - רוב הסיכויים שאת אפילו לא מכירה את האמונות האלה כי הן יושבות עמוק מתוך התת מודע שלך.
באזור שאינו נגיש לנו בדרך כלל מבלי שנעשה פעולה מכוונת, מבלי שנשתמש בכלים שמסוגלים לאפשר לנו גישה לשם.
באמצעות תרגילים אומנותיים ושאלות ממוקדות, נצלול ונקטוף מתוך מעמקי התודעה שלך את האמונות המגבילות ונהפוך אותן לפנינים יקרות ערך, כדיי שתוכלי לחדש את מאגרי האנרגיה שלך ולהשקיע אותן במה שאת באמת רוצה, כדיי שתהיי היצירת מופת שאת.
הכנת קלפים בהתאמה אישית
סדנת הכנת קלפים בהתאמה אישית נולדה מתוך הרעיון שהמוח והלב שלנו יקבלו ויאמצו באופן הרמוני ובקלות יתרה מילים, משפטים, דימויים שיבואו מתוך הפנימיות שלנו, מילים שאנחנו בחרנו מתוך חקירה פנימית ומתוך מודעות עמוקה לשפה ולאמונות המגבילות שנמצאות בתת המודע שלנו.
מהסדנא הזאת תצאי עם מספר קלפים שאת הכנת עבור עצמך, שהגיעו ממעמקי ליבך ויחזקו אצלך כל יום מחדש את האותנטיות והאמונה העצמית.
Common questions
What happens in the process?In our meetings we will talk and get a clear picture of the current situation (found) in your different life spaces. Then together we will create your winning image (preferably) and define clear goals that we will constantly strive for during the following meetings. In addition, we will find your uniqueness and personal strengths and the way to express them in everyday life, at work, in the family, in parenting and in all relationships. My goal is for our meetings to be your safe place, within the process there will be confidentiality, respectful and growing discourse, openness and inclusion alongside reflection and motivation for action
How many sessions will I need?I believe that each person has a different need that we discover more and more accurately during the process, therefore, there is no minimum number of meetings that I recommend in advance. Some people managed to achieve what they wanted within 6 sessions and some preferred to continue and do a few more sessions. I can say from my experience, that dedication, commitment and persistence are very important factors for the progress of the process and the achievement of the goals.
How long is each session?The length of each meeting is about an hour.
Where are the meetings held?The meetings are held in Be'er Sheva in my area, once a week on a day and time fixed in advance (determined together), the meetings can also be held in the ZOOM area.
How will I know if it's right for me?If you have experiences similar to what I wrote here, if my words touched your heart and you felt something after reading it. If you felt the need to make a change and it is important for you to express your uniqueness in such a way that all areas of your life will be enjoyable and your relationships will be good and beneficial, If you have the desire, understanding and courage to make a significant change first of all for yourself, I'm here for you.
I invite you to leave details
In a short diagnostic conversation we will understand together what are the gaps that are stopping you